Uncovering the receiver’s traits that moderate the effect of e-WOM valence on the purchase intentions of healthy food products



Published 21-03-2025
Lorena Carrete
Pilar Arroyo
Gricel Castillo


This study applies the information integration theory (IIT) to explore how individuals simultaneously combine several stimuli —electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) valence, information source, and brand expectations— depending on four traits —consumption product frequency, social media use frequency, health consciousness and susceptibility to social influence— to form intentions toward health food brands products commented in social media. A 2×2×2 experiment was designed, and 200 Mexican consumers recruited online were randomly assigned to a high or null brand expectation condition before being exposed to a combination of positive or negative e-WOM published by a digital consumer or an influencer. According to the IIT, a multiplicative algebraic model describes how the receiver’s health consciousness, product category consumption frequency, and social media use moderate the relationship between e-WOM valence and consumers’ purchasing intention. The moderator effect of two experimental factors, the information source and the brand expectations, plus the moderator effect of the consumer social susceptibility were not empirically supported; however, brand expectations directly influenced the purchase intention. This study contributes to the online consumer behavior and e-WOM literature by examining the nonconscious or semiconscious processing of e-WOM valence when combined with other stimuli and how the effect of e-WOM valence changes depending on individual behaviors and traits.

How to Cite

Carrete, L., Arroyo, P., & Castillo, G. (2025). Uncovering the receiver’s traits that moderate the effect of e-WOM valence on the purchase intentions of healthy food products. Cuadernos De Gestión, 25(1), 103–119. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.242187lc
Abstract 42 | PDF Downloads 30



e-WOM, social media, purchase intention, online consumer behavior, healthy food products

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