The letter-story of Maximilian Transylvanus about the expedition of Magellan-Elcano. First circumnavigation of the world (1519-1522)



Published 30-03-2023
Valeriano Yarza Urquiola


The first published account of Magellan and Elcano´s expedition (1519-1522), the first to circumnavigate the world, was the work of Maximilianus Transilvanus, secretary of Emperor Charles I of Spain, in the form of a letter written in Latin, addressed to M. Lang, Cardinal of Salzburg, the month following the arrival in Seville of the survivors of the voyage. The author takes his information from these survivors, mainly from Elcano, the captain of the only one of the five ships that began the voyage to arrive back in the Spanish port.

            Our work principally consists of carrying out the critical editing and translation of the document, especially from the first editions of the text. In the brief introduction, we also deal with other points such as the figure of Transilvano, the content of his narration and the description of the editions and manuscripts that transmit the work.

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