About the Celtiberian word kortika / gortika
The word kortika / gortica appears in six documents written in the Celtiberian language, five tesserae hospitales and the Luzaga bronze, which is also a hospitality document. Early on, kortika / gortika was linked to the root *gʰer- ‘to seize, grab, enclose’, found in Latin hortus ‘garden’, Oscan húrz, etc., Old Irish gort ‘field’, Middle Welsh garth ‘field, pen’, Old Breton gorth ‘pen’, Greek χόρτος ‘enclosed place’, and Gothic gards ‘house (as fenced property)’. In 1997, J. Untermann proposed that gortika, meaning ‘publica’ (in Latin), was an adjective derived from a theoretical noun *gorta ‘city, community’. This word has recently been identified in a new Celtiberian tessera published in 2021. In this study, the author revisits the etymology and the morphological structure of GORTA and gortika. From an etymological perspective, he argues that their original meaning is closer to the Latin adjectives ciuica or ciuilis. Additionally, he examines the morphology and etymology of other words found in Celtiberian documents, including gortono- (gortono, gortonei), korzonei, kortonikum and CORDONO. In his view, the first two are indeed related to GORTA and gortika, he expresses doubt about the connection with kortonikum, and he is almost certain that CORDONO does not belong to this lexical family.
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