A critique of contemporary artificial intelligence art Who is 'Edmond de Belamy'?



Publicado 30-06-2020
Mikel Arbiza Goenaga


'Edmond de Belamy' is a 2018 painting made by french collective Obvious, created using a type of Artificial Intelligence algorithms called Generative Adversarial Networks, which was sold at Christie's auction house in New York for $432,500. This historic event -the so-called auction of the "first artwork made by an AI" raises 3 interesting questions about authorship, originality, and the arts as a space for scientific inquiry. While some think that the current deployment of Machine Learning algorithms and Artificial Intelligence techniques that we are seeing in the art world today may be seen as the ultimate Gesamtkunstwerk`' or total artwork, other points of view express that not only we need this type of cultural artifacts as a critique of industrialized use of Artificial Intelligence, but also a strict criteria has to be delimited in order to review contemporary art made with Machine Learning techniques.

Cómo citar

Arbiza Goenaga, Mikel. 2020. «A Critique of Contemporary Artificial Intelligence Art: Who Is ’Edmond De Belamy’?». AusArt 8 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.21490.
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