«Ghostly plants of damaged words» Phytoremediation artistic project study about Jesenice Slovenian city soil or how to see the soil as a model of artistic ecology



Publicado 08-07-2024
Alizée Armet


«Ghostly plants of damaged world» -a biomedia installation- offers a particular vision of the crossroads between technology and ecology. Biomedia refers to any media system with attitudes similar to those of the non-human.Through invocations of scientific knowledge and techniques, this research-creation raises the limits of our understanding of what constitutes soil typology. By presenting the mutation of an albino plant and the mutualism of mycorrhizae, the work reminds us that ecology is not just an attention to our uses, but a relational attention. From this approach, we will focus on the research methodology and creative stages involved in the work, and the knowledge contributed.

Cómo citar

Armet, Alizée. 2024. «“Ghostly Plants of Damaged words”: Phytoremediation Artistic Project Study about Jesenice Slovenian City Soil or How to See the Soil As a Model of Artistic Ecology». AusArt 12 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.26165.
Abstract 156 | PDF (Français (France)) Downloads 155


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