Order and disorder in La Ciutat del Sol by Joan Brossa



Published 2013-11-07
Manuel Aramendía Zuazu Jose António Asensio Fernández Eulalia Grau Costa


With the title of this article, “Orden y desorden en La Ciutat del Sol de Joan Brossa”, we intend to investigate the dinamic aspects of this piece. In this ocasión, the bulk of the thought goes to the carnival and the dinamic signs of change that appear in this work. It is specially relevant the symbology used by Brossa that somewhat resemble the Enlightment desires typical of the French Revolution, in the bleak and represive context of the Spain of Franco and the years following the Spanish Civil War. The article includes a staging for the piece that with numerous interpretative licences makes it representable: It includes a prologue that helps the spectator place itself in the action that will happend briefly after. And an epilogue that emphasises the inconformist thought of Brossa; Break of the action into a double focus, so the temporal aspects is reinforced with the pre-sence of memory and a future project, embodied by a group of grandparents and their grandchildren; Staging of new elements like the minuetto dance performed by the characters of Edipo, his father Layo and his grandfather Labdaco, following medieval iconography; Introduction of various references to feminism; Matching of the Arlequín character with its double, or shadow character, dressed in tail-coat and top hat.

How to Cite

Aramendía Zuazu, Manuel, Jose António Asensio Fernández, and Eulalia Grau Costa. 2013. “Order and Disorder in La Ciutat Del Sol by Joan Brossa”. AusArt 1 (1-2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.10369.
Abstract 220 | PDF (Español) Downloads 228




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