Interrelation policies of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Barcelona and the private company Dissemination of evidence and professional competences for our students in a contemporary society



Published 2013-11-07
José Antonio Asensio Fernández Ricard Planas Camps Joan Antoni Valle Martí


It is of extreme importance and self-critical component in the speech from the arts can be gene-rating about society in which we live. Clearly, in the construction of every advanced society, thought and therefore the arts, must adduce dissemination of ideas that can add value to the configuration of our cities as binders in our society. The media are key tools for this purpose. Is therefore necessary to connect art with the media and therefore the art student with these mechanisms of dissemination through publications and exhibitions of those ideas that reflect the true artistic creative pulse of an emerging society, represented by its youth in universities. In the search for new mechanisms that gave our teaching of a component-based experience of that praxis concerning the staging of creative outputs, the result of the artistic production of our students, we mobilized at the Department of Sculpture of our faculty and particularly since the Commission of Publications and Exhibition, to search for companies, magazines, publishers, foundations, etc. regardless of the congress on the topic, which allowed us to pool these results, in addition to publishing articles of teachers showing those experiences.

How to Cite

Asensio Fernández, José Antonio, Ricard Planas Camps, and Joan Antoni Valle Martí. 2013. “Interrelation Policies of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Barcelona and the Private Company: Dissemination of Evidence and Professional Competences for Our Students in a Contemporary Society”. AusArt 1 (1-2).
Abstract 273 | PDF (Español) Downloads 667




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