Sonar cities: A ludic of the urban



Published 2013-11-07
María Teresa García Sánchez


The following text intends to revindicate a poetical, playful and liturgical dimension of the city as of an explicit case of application: the bell concerts performed over the last 25 years by a sound designer as Llorenç Barber. Employing an urban material, the bronzes from towers and bell towers from more than 200 cities all over the world, the multifocal proposal shows the city as a splendid instrument and the citizen as an interlocutor of a composive intention whose esthetic resolution urges unavoidably to a corporal collaboration. Trying to follow the trace of those particular public choreographies, we try to answer the next questions: what creative values are identified in the reception of those sound phenomenons on urban scale? In which sense do those experiences transform the relationship between the citizen in connection with the city itself and other public subjects? And finally, what suggestions could they supply to the sound design of urban space?

How to Cite

García Sánchez, María Teresa. 2013. “Sonar Cities: A Ludic of the Urban”. AusArt 1 (1-2).
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