Spatial metaphors of the community Searching the relationship of art with a critical cultural geography



Published 2013-11-07
Daniel Tomás Marquina


The current political and crisis frame it needs of the recovery of the aims of the cultural studies that they link the artistic questions with the interdisciplinary. Compromised with the production of know-ledge, the interaction of the culture with the economic and political fields and the critical union between the space and the culture, the art contributes so much to the definition of new public spaces, since to the redefinition of the traditional places. Being these interventions participants of the idea of constructing the city with the cultural policies that define and plan it. In this point the role that can develop from the investigation is fundamental where the political commitment it fits in the academic project, a space of expression of the participation and creation of a form of political culture. There is for it fundamentally the need to create a cartography coral where someone speaks, and learns not only when someone speaks but also when someone listens. We should give more importance to this dialogue that one agrees in the education, to avoid the increasing intellectual precarious in which we are immersed in the great majority of the western companies, being here where the imaginary one reaches an important paper and the place of the heterotopia appears. With the artistic practices we can be participants in the creation of the public sphere and be conscious of the repercussion that they can have in the imaginary group.

How to Cite

Tomás Marquina, Daniel. 2013. “Spatial Metaphors of the Community: Searching the Relationship of Art With a Critical Cultural Geography”. AusArt 1 (1-2).
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