The artist's approach to society and everyday life after the emergence of the performativity concept



Published 2015-02-19
Sandra Villar Amigo


Pierre Bourdieu (2002) compared the concept of artistic field with the term "game", which implied the existence of status, goals and strategies to achieve them. The analysis of terms such as habitus and comparison of different parameters can locate specific relationships have been transformed in the last three centuries and establish the areas that hinder or favor the approach of art to citizens. Thus , the transition from a creative artist with a public viewer is evidence of an artist as an individual in a society, which generate art. Whereas the origin of important modifications in the term "performative " coined by John L.Austin , the impact of the theories about the term artistic and social practice is studied. Performativity is presented as a trigger for the breakdown of limits between artist - work - public component.

How to Cite

Villar Amigo, Sandra. 2015. “The artist’s Approach to Society and Everyday Life After the Emergence of the Performativity Concept”. AusArt 2 (2).
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