Creative dance The role of material and imagination



Published 2015-07-13
Susana Pérez Testor
Anna Griñó Roca


Creative dance is a basic formation with the purpose of serving as an exploration and reflection guide on how to make and conceive motion. It contributes to the knowledge of the body, the repertoire of movements and the development of the creative abilities of each person. The corporal conscience can transform the most rigid movements into pleasant movements, thus enjoying an adequate physical health. This encounter with dance changes the perception of ¨well-being¨ at any age, from early childhood to old age, as well as different types of groups since practical exercises give the possibility to know and accept ourselves. One of the resources that is used in creative dance, is the development of the imagination from materials that inspire you to find new moves which are incorporated into the personal body repertoire.

How to Cite

Pérez Testor, Susana, and Anna Griñó Roca. 2015. “Creative Dance: The Role of Material and Imagination”. AusArt 3 (1).
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