The floors of the dance Staged autoetnographies by Frederick Wiseman



Published 2015-07-13
Eneko Lorente Bilbao Bárbara Díaz Ríos


Filmmaker Frederick Wiseman has been mapped, throughout his long cinematic journey, the form and the life of institutions. In this particular film territory, dance connects the institutional space with the prosaic and anonymous ground of everyday life of the city and its many tours. These samall choreographies, embedded into the heart of institutions, have the corrosive force of an estrangement, through which the dance produces and imagines overflows of the sensitive of a situation. They also update the exercise of a gaze that works as a detailed autoethnography of contemporary tensions.

How to Cite

Lorente Bilbao, Eneko, and Bárbara Díaz Ríos. 2015. “The Floors of the Dance: Staged Autoetnographies by Frederick Wiseman”. AusArt 3 (1).
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