Education degree students' artistic self-concept



Published 2015-07-13
Eneko Balerdi Eizmendi


The purpose of this investigation is to measure Education Degree students' artistic self-concept. This research is part of a broader thesis study and 1321 students have participated from four Universities at the Basque Autonomous Community and the University of Cantabria. Infant and Primary Education students have answered to the questionnaire designed to measure students' artistic concept (AUART). Positive self-concept is a variable that reinforces motivation and the results, because it affects in a significant extent to individuals for personal, social and professional competences and therefore it is so important and valued in education.

How to Cite

Balerdi Eizmendi, Eneko. 2015. “Education Degree students’ Artistic Self-Concept”. AusArt 3 (1).
Abstract 525 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 361




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