Visual noise The saturation of images in contemporaneity



Published 2016-02-25
Edurne González Ibáñez


Contemporary society is defined by the over-production and consumption of images, which configure one of the foundations of what has been called visual culture. The speed of the current re-production of images saturates our capacity to discern and interpret, thus leading to situations in which our ability to assimilate is overflown and we lack the substantial time for developing a critical gaze. In this situation of spectacular densification of the iconosphere, we propose the term "visual noise" as a metaphor of this circumstance of over-exposition to the audiovisual maze, to which we find ourselves continuously subjected. The acceleration of events and the technological transformation, together with their consequences, have therefore become departing points for certain artistic practices. These practices aim at making visible the issues that a society burdened with the over-use (abuse) of images and the repetition of contents must endure.

How to Cite

González Ibáñez, Edurne. 2016. “Visual Noise: The Saturation of Images in Contemporaneity”. AusArt 3 (2).
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