Modulares An artistic experience between construction and visual noise



Published 2016-02-25
Susana Jodra Llorente Patricia Schneider


In our screen printing process we work with specific images from our photographic archives and plans from different sources, that we use as modules for our series of unique prints. By modulating the images in size, intensity and location, we have been building collages with up to twenty layers. The Modulares art project, which we developed in the last three years, allowed us to investigate the evolution of our creative process by revising pictures of previous years. We created compositions by adding and subtracting geometric forms and elements of concrete pictures, printing them layer by layer. Through this process, visual echoes of the subjacent layers that interfere with the reading of the message have been silenced or in some cases emphasized. The noise and visual disturbances of the underlying information are also object of our interest as they give the interaction between the different images a temporal dimension.

How to Cite

Jodra Llorente, Susana, and Patricia Schneider. 2016. “Modulares: An Artistic Experience Between Construction and Visual Noise”. AusArt 3 (2).
Abstract 343 | PDF Downloads 396




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