A virtual and visual shift to the hybrid space through the figure of flâneur



Published 2016-07-12
Elia Torrecilla Patiño


This article aims to rescue the figure of the flâneur to adapt it to the new spaces generated by the use of new technologies, recovering the activity of walking as an aesthetic practice, this time in a hybrid space where body, technology and city are combined to get new viewpoints and offer new experiences in the space, posing a displacement from the virtual to physical space; a vertical look to be moving away from the invention of perspective in the Renaissance to the present, where the globe is presented as an understandable and visually passable through an interface space. Faced with the vertical and virtual experience that allows flying over space, a landing to experience horizontal view, that is the gaze of the flâneur, who uses the body and this time the technology is proposed to, through movement produced by the act of walking, establish direct contact with the city and its inhabitants and thus recognize an environment that is increasingly abstract.

How to Cite

Torrecilla Patiño, Elia. 2016. “A Virtual and Visual Shift to the Hybrid Space through the Figure of flâneur”. AusArt 4 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.16696.
Abstract 415 | PDF (Español) Downloads 423




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