The working of imaging technologies in the creation of normatives imaginings



Published 2016-12-31
Garazi Erdaide Cervigón


In this article, imaging technologies as transmitters of social subjectivities are analysed, with an emphasis on the non-neutrality of photographic devices. It has examined photographic technology and its current technological development, through Lorna Roth´s project Colur Balance and different mobile applications related to the image, in order to study his influence on the creation of dominant collective imaginings. The reflection through several studies that link imaging technologies with racialized construction its leads us to affirm that the different imaging technologies not only generate the norm but they naturalise them too. In this way, new technological devices of creation, editing, visualization and image distribution contribute to the continuity of normative visions of the world. Angélica Dass´s project Humanae has been examined, from the point of view of art around device´s relationships and social dynamics enables making conscious decisions on artistic practice as well as the creation of new imaginary

How to Cite

Erdaide Cervigón, Garazi. 2016. “The Working of Imaging Technologies in the Creation of Normatives Imaginings”. AusArt 4 (2).
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