The fourth voice The idea of the collective as an interlocutor



Published 2017-07-14
Verónica Soria Martínez
Neus Lozano Sanfèlix


The construction of the artist's identity becomes closely tied to the idea of artistic practice. In the following study, we aim to identify, to give visibility, and to question the patriarchal (and neoliberal) discourses that continue to be prevalent in contemporary art practices and that inevitably affect the construction of our subjectivity. As agents and participants in this research, we have analyzed as a case study the organizational dynamics and the obstacles we find in the functioning of the Cràter collective, to which the three authors of this text belong and that was founded with the idea of building a protected space for reflection and action, as one totally independent from the institutional dynamics of academia and the demands of late capitalism. Cràter is not just a collective formed by feminist women that have an artistic vocation and formation, but defines itself as such, looking for new ways of doing in the practice of art, research, and education.

How to Cite

Soria Martínez, Verónica, and Neus Lozano Sanfèlix. 2017. “The Fourth Voice: The Idea of the Collective As an Interlocutor”. AusArt 5 (1).
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