'The trans*ition of the body' An artistic research proposal based on the body as non-place
With the present study we aim to provide, from the artistic creation, a new perspective bound to the theory of non-places and linked to the Gender and Queer Studies at the same time. It aspires to cooperate with the defence of the difference lacking in inequality, with the purpose of widen its horizons and avoid answering with what socially and culturally is understood as correct. Continuing with the artistic research initiated in previous studies, which present the study of the transsexual experience, it is proposed, based on lessons and experiences derived from the study of the several artists' activity, the body as non-place. To do this, we will be guided by Marc Augé's guidelines, as those of other researchers and artists who have reflected on the subject.The text is divided into three parts: the study is opened by the analysis of the way in which non-places and the body share a series of characteristics that allow them to establish connections. In the second section issues related to language —understood as a linguistic code— temporality, journey, ethnology of itself, among others, to understand the body as no-place from the transsexual and gender experience are developed. Finally, a debate around the issues addressed in the previous sections it is held in order to project these reflections into a new proposal of artistic research: 'Trans*ition the body'.
How to Cite
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