Approaches to the concept of event in the movement-image



Published 2018-07-13
Javier Artero Flores


This analysis proposes a flexibilization of the concept of event in the movement-image that allows a correct approach to the video installation Never odd or even: Una maniobra de posicionamiento (2016). For that, a series of audiovisual, pictorial, cinematographic works, as well as videogames that escape to traditional approaches of narratology, are analyzed. In this way three possible meanings of the event are offered in the video installation work: a first one referring to the spatial plane of the work, a second based on the Aristotelian concept of verisimilitude and a third one related to the temporal dimension or Bergsonian duration of the movement-image. In short, it is intended to generate a flexible theoretical framework in which the narrative analysis of the videographic works can take place, which, because they are located on the margins of the medium, often escape the category in terms of terminological property.

How to Cite

Artero Flores, Javier. 2018. “Approaches to the Concept of Event in the Movement-Image”. AusArt 6 (1).
Abstract 502 | PDF (Español) Downloads 697




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