The different looks to the notion of culture and the effects of the cultural globalization



Published 2018-07-13
Carmen Martínez Samper


The concept 'culture' it has evolved along several centuries, as well as his relation with the society. From his origins, in the first analyses developed by the social sciences (s.XIX), did necessary a reflection and precise interpretation of the use of this concept inside the distinct fields that generate knowledge. New codes, alternative cultures, new limits and openings enrich the artistic panorama but to his time, these ways of 'see' they comport some complexity. The how explain the things is full of nuances, of different forms to narrate and generate thought, participatory contemporary culture. The culture no only can explain from distant parameters; also in the vicinity. The social is next and his relation with what becomes results necessary inside a social space differentiated: the arts.

How to Cite

Martínez Samper, Carmen. 2018. “The Different Looks to the Notion of Culture and the Effects of the Cultural Globalization”. AusArt 6 (1).
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