The butoh dance Ethics and aesthetics of the body dumped out
Since the first philosophy, we have been led to believe that the meaning of life lies beyond us. We have no body, but we are body and it is body where we must trace the collective memory of human beings. We must put the focus back on the body leaving express their dreams and his madness. Faced to the art humans are able to trascend, because it connects emotion and cognition making the body that suffers turn into privileged terrain for reflection and representation of our own individual and social identity. Dance cannot be reduced to a mere physical effort of the visible body, it should be understood as a starting point, as eudaimonia. In the butoh, the body looks into its abysses to be reborn every time you dance. According to Heidegger, salvation, if it exists, can only be within us. Let's bury ourselves with our feet, to fly with our arms.
How to Cite
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