Work, mobility and footprint Notes on the environmental impact of contemporary art



Published 2019-12-30
Esmeralda Gómez Galera


This article raises a question about the environmental impact of contemporary art as a professional sector. To this end, it establishes a relationship between this sector and a growing nomadism in the global art circuit. Subsequently, it reflects on the flows, aerial displacements that draw lines on the map of contemporary art, and on the condensation of these flows, analysing the case of art fairs. Finally, it mentions some strategies that can help reduce the ecological footprint and imagines the possibility of new, more sustainable mobilities.

How to Cite

Gómez Galera, Esmeralda. 2019. “Work, Mobility and Footprint: Notes on the Environmental Impact of Contemporary Art”. AusArt 7 (2).
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