The cultural construct of the maritime-port border of Santurtzi (Bizkaia) Landscape of sensations, effects and relational creations



Published 2020-12-30
Juan Antonio Rubio-Ardanaz


The maritime-port border of Santurtzi (Bizkaia) is shown as a living and dynamic reality, as a scene of sensations, effects and relational creations. These give rise to a landscape, ethnographically observable, whose fragments allow a vision of changing spaces and places in full development. We verify public and private interventions that involve a new configuration of this radically transformed point of the Basque coast. In this scenario, a sociocultural physionomy is taking its place where the symbiosis between fishing, new cultural activities and local tourism stands out. In addition, there are striking urban interventions (housing blocks, bicycle lane, promenade along the sea-port border) that respond to a significant increase in population density and industrial activity. Symbolically, the proximity to the coast serves as a basis to soften, disguise and cushion the intense urbanization underway, as well as the effects on the maritime and coastal environment, incisively and intensely industrialized.

How to Cite

Rubio-Ardanaz, Juan Antonio. 2020. “The Cultural Construct of the Maritime-Port Border of Santurtzi (Bizkaia): Landscape of Sensations, Effects and Relational Creations”. AusArt 8 (2).
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