Urban-territorial ‘ruptures’ between city-landscape Posthumous construction of a metropolitan environment at the crossroads



Published 2020-12-30
Amaia Lekerikabeaskoa Gaztañaga Isusko Vivas Ziarrusta


The objective of the investigation reverberates several current circumstances of the suburban / peri-urban territory-landscape of Bilbao that are manifested in the city. Agglomeration of a metropolitan nature, the disappearance of industrial footprints leaves an extensive city, expanded to the territory, conditioned by the re-creation of image and imagination. From the identity inheritances converted into internationally interchangeable environments and evocations with their sociocultural (Delgado 2011) and iconographic-symbolic parameters, to strategies for incorporating furniture, public sculpture and memorial elements of a monumental nature (Arnaiz, Elorriaga, Laka & Moreno 1998). Endeavors in which art-spurs are constantly appealed, to architecture as an emblem, to urban planning and territorial planning, to economic intricacies and to the concept of citizenship for the conformation of neo-stories (Etxarte 2019). Aspects in which the problems of urban sustainability (Naredo 2004) and / or landscape at an aesthetic level (Steele 2018), which affect both historical centers such as Ciutat Vella (Aranburu 2002) or Megapark in Bilbao cannot be avoided.

How to Cite

Lekerikabeaskoa Gaztañaga, Amaia, and Isusko Vivas Ziarrusta. 2020. “Urban-Territorial ‘ruptures’ Between City-Landscape: Posthumous Construction of a Metropolitan Environment at the Crossroads”. AusArt 8 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.22007.
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