Showing, living as learning



Published 2020-12-30
Imanol Esperesate Azpiazu


All around the handle and the resting place and the exchange and the to-ing and fro-ing between bodies and things, movement and rest are combined. Both the handle and the resting place refer to the other, what is hanging and resting, as they both are the place to do so. “to hang” or “to be hanging” and “to rest” or “to be resting” are verbs, the infinitive and gerund, respectively. Verbs are shaped throughout the joint, they land from their abstraction. In architecture, the joint is characterized by the building details where the rawness of the materials and joints can be shown in many ways. Juhani Pallasmaa (influenced by Merleau-Ponty’s thought) claims that nouns like “space” and “time” have distorted the living experiences in architecture. Many attempts have been made to show these joints or details “as found” as well as to emerge the action of the verb both in art and architecture. In this text, some works by the architects Alison and Peter Smithson and Sigurd Lewerentz will be listed, in which architecture can be shown instead of taught, can be lived instead of shown; attempts that make the body part of the detail or situation so that they can finish off it.

How to Cite

Esperesate Azpiazu, Imanol. 2020. “Showing, Living As Learning”. AusArt 8 (2).
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Ahlin, Janne. 1987. Sigurd Lewerentz, architect: 1885-1975. Stockholm: Byggförlaget

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. (1945) 1997. Fenomenología de la percepción. Itzulpena, Jem Cabanes. Bartzelona: Península

Pallasmaa, Juhani. (1996) 2006. Los ojos de la piel: La arquitectura y los sentidos. Gaztelerazko bertsioa, Moisés Fuente. Bartzelona: Gustavo Gili

Pallasmaa, Juhani. 2018. Esencias. Traducción de Carles Muro. Bartzelona: Gustavo Gili

Sennett, Richard. (1997) 2009. El artesano. Itzulpena, Marco Aurelio Galmarini. Bartzelona: Anagrama

Smithson, Alison & Peter Smithson. 1973. Without rhetoric: An architectural aesthetic; 1955-1972. London: Latimer New Dimensions

Zumthor, Peter. (1998) 2014. Pensar la arquitectura. Gaztelerazko bertsioa, Pedro Madrigal. Bartzelona: Gustavo Gili

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