Mind scaffoldings for architectural thinking



Published 2020-12-30
Mikel Larratxe Berazadi


Oftenly taken for granted, architectural model refers to a set of objects that combine a variety of different meanings. Although the wideness and vagueness of this field is appealing from an artistic point of view, too often they are limited to being understood as mere miniature representations of finished products. The aim of this paper is to focus on the limits of this area: towards the architectural object that operates in the boundary areas where the desire for representation disappears. We will identify these objects as tools, a direct reflection of a praxis, a front-line agent in the process of the development of the architectural project. In this way, in addition to being a tool for the elaboration of architectural thinking, we will understand as a trace or a waste of the same projection process. Giving centrality to the boundary areas of representation and to the manual elaboration of thoughts makes the analytical gaze directed from the realm of artistic creation as desirable as it is mandatory. Beyond being a mechanism for bringing architecture itself to art galleries in recent decades, we will see how architectural models can also share the dynamics of the creation of art works, and how they can define them as well.

How to Cite

Larratxe Berazadi, Mikel. 2020. “Mind Scaffoldings for Architectural Thinking”. AusArt 8 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.22043.
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