The Hertzian space Common site [place] for art and contemporary architecture in the informational city



Published 2020-12-30
Natividad Navalon Blesa David Trujillo Ruiz


The present work develops the idea that art and architecture converge when we speak of the Hertzian space in the contemporary city. A hybrid space that interacts with the physical and virtual, influenced by the inclusion of digital and wireless information and communication technologies. This becomes a site, a common place of action for both disciplines. A new [Hertzian] space that is more thoughtful, intelligent, adaptive, in which more and more questions arise about its operation, its contours and influences, about the dangers of being hyperconnected, or about who controls the data flows. In recent years, both art and architecture have tried to answer them with interventions and performances with similar characteristics and results, where the boundaries between disciplines are blurred.

How to Cite

Navalon Blesa, Natividad, and David Trujillo Ruiz. 2020. “The Hertzian Space: Common Site [place] for Art and Contemporary Architecture in the Informational City”. AusArt 8 (2).
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