Research and creations between art-architecture to enhance the urban heritage through an educational process



Published 2020-12-30
Alessandra De Nicola
Maria Eugenia Garcia Sottile Sebastián Gómez Lozano


This contribution describes an action research project, the result of which was the industrial production of a cultural heritage interpretation 500 kit based on the contamination of languages and disciplines. The object of the research was the methods of mediation and interpretation of heritage to activate a process of co-construction with all traceable stakeholders. The new traced knowledge became the contents of the kit, reaching which it was necessary to establish collaboration between disciplines, researchers and practitioners. Starting from the change in the paradigm of heritage fruition that generally sees the cultural object as a protagonist and the community as a recipient, it will be shown how interdisciplinary dialogue has created a virtuous circle between community, heritage and new recipients of fruitive action. In particular, it will show how there has been a profitable exchange between body, sound and vision education and education in cultural heritage and Renaissance urban architectural values.

How to Cite

De Nicola, Alessandra, Maria Eugenia Garcia Sottile, and Sebastián Gómez Lozano. 2020. “Research and Creations Between Art-Architecture to Enhance the Urban Heritage through an Educational Process”. AusArt 8 (2).
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