Theoretical approaches on the ‘emotional engorgement’ applied to the contemporary dance´s choreography
This article maintains the premise to give an answer about the concept of ‘emotional engorgement’ raised by Jean-Marie Pradier (2001) as an emotional phenomenon of structure contemporary dance work. With the historical study of the choreology trajectory, the beginnings of the phenomenon is located, applied to the performing arts, in the modernist avant-gardes and their suggestions about restructuring the scenic are raised. It will be analyzed how the social situation of the early twentieth century causes a crystallization of man on the scene, showing his psyche and his emotions, embodied in a choreography that invites to revive ‘passions’ directed towards ‘fears’, proposing a specific ethnoscenology. Through the study of significant works of the moment it is considered how ‘emotional engorgement’ lives in the creative processes in an active and conscious way.
How to Cite
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