Notes on a sound space, 'Sun & Sea (Marina)' Just singing on the beach



Published 2021-06-30
Beatriz Cavia Pardo
Concepción Elorza Ibáñez de Gauna


This text analyzes the piece 'Sun & Sea (Marina)', which was awarded the Golden Lion for the best national participation at the 58th Venice Art Biennale (2019). Although the ecological message of the work has usually been highlighted, it also triggers some other interesting reflections and connects with various aspects of the analysis of our own time to be in-depth explored and reviewed. Thus, we explore its associations with the creative activity previously carried out by its authors, the way it tangles with pieces by other Lithuanian artists, and how it intertwines the conceptual developments of various thinkers who cast a critical eye on our contemporary society and the values ​​on which it is based. Likewise, we carefully observe the consequences of the use of the opera-performance format and the possibilities it unfolds to promote projection from the spectators' own experience, making use of scripted live-action and sung dialogues, drawn from irony and humour as support for critical positions.

How to Cite

Cavia Pardo, Beatriz, and Concepción Elorza Ibáñez de Gauna. 2021. “Notes on a Sound Space, ’Sun &Amp; Sea (Marina)’: Just Singing on the Beach”. AusArt 9 (1).
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