Olga Pericet y her 'Cuerpo infinito' Between the tradition and innovation of flamenco dance through the figure of Carmen Amaya



Published 2021-12-27
María Cabrera Fructuoso


In the following article we propose to deepen and reflect on the artist Olga Pericet through her work Cuerpo Infinito, where bridges are built between the past, the present and the future of theatrical flamenco dance through the figure of Carmen Amaya, from her memory and her legacy, which leads to a deep investigation, transformation, learning, hybridization and search.

How to Cite

Cabrera Fructuoso, María. 2021. “Olga Pericet Y Her ’Cuerpo infinito’: Between the Tradition and Innovation of Flamenco Dance through the Figure of Carmen Amaya”. AusArt 9 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.23084.
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