Content, form and forgetfulness



Published 2021-12-27
Jon Mantzisidor Uria


The text summarizes in brief notes the changes that various cultural expressions may undergo over time. These notes go hand in hand with photographs and images by the author, complementing each other. Many of the selections are expressions that are left out of the Visual Arts in capital letters, those that take place on the streets, of what are related to rituals and work world. These also lack institutional conservation programmes, and some of them have been created to be ephemeral. Some notes deal with the relationship between form and content, questioning what may be the core of the work. At other times, writing and coding are the main theme. And with all this, the idea of the authenticity and originality of the work of art is explored.

How to Cite

Mantzisidor Uria, Jon. 2021. “Content, Form and Forgetfulness”. AusArt 9 (2).
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