Limit, game, and horizon Towards a scriptural proposal based on artistic practice
This article traverses the concepts of limit, game and horizon on the work of the artist Nacho Martín Encinas (Madrid, 1994) after his recent exhibition Floating Lines (Kanoko art space, Cuenca, 01-30/07/2021). From this starting point, a text is presented aiming to provide a reflective dimension to the author's work, not from a “pictoric” perspective in the sense of the first Wittgenstein, but by understanding the “essay as form” according to the Adornian thesis about of the possibilities -fragmentary, non-totalizing, connotative and non-denotative- of the scriptural medium itself. These concepts will thus serve us to explore, from the particular to the general, both the material conditions of the artistic process and the spaces hosting them, trying to outline another way of writing not to be seen about the arts, but in and from the arts themselves, in line with the recent contributions of artistic research, with prominent names such as Susan Buck-Morss, Aurora Fernández-Polanco, George Didi-Huberman or Aby Warburg.
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