'Contigo no Bitxo' initiative, an approaching strategy from conservators to art collectives



Published 2021-12-27
Katrin Alberdi Egués Jose Luis Larrañaga Odriozola Haizea Salazar Basañez


Which are conservation-restoration’s tools? Surely, the first thing that comes to mind is the cleaning of artworks, their care, etc. However, while ago, the interview has begun to take on importance. The interview is a documentation method to preserve the artists’ opinion. Nevertheless, its tackle has different ways and due to the gap between conservation-restoration and creation, it still can be understood as an attack rather than as an approach. It is essential to understand artworks and their complexities. For this reason, the conferences dedicated to the problem of contemporary art are increasingly common, although it is true that the vision that is exposed focuses in to conservation-restoration. However, what if we continue developing this concept, letting the artists tell us about their own casuistry? After all, there is no better information than first-hand information.

How to Cite

Alberdi Egués, Katrin, Jose Luis Larrañaga Odriozola, and Haizea Salazar Basañez. 2021. “’Contigo No Bitxo’ Initiative, an Approaching Strategy from Conservators to Art Collectives”. AusArt 9 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.23107.
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