The impossible place José Luis Castillejo’s ‘escritura no escrita’



Published 2022-06-28
Diego Zorita Arroyo


In late Francoist Spain, a diverse group of poets claim for the withdrawal from writing. There were two the main trends: on the one hand, one trend that comes from Letrism, which made of appropriation its distinctive character and of hazard his spirit, on the other hand, a trend that originates in concretism and that aspire to establish objective methods for poetry creation. Aiming to sidestep both movements, José Luis Castillejo —originally a ZAJ member— conceive his 'escritura no escrita', a transposition of pictorial modernism to the field of writing.  This article critiques Castillejo aesthetical stance with respect to the first of his modernist works: The book of I’s showing its paradoxical relation to the concrete trend in Spanish experimental poetry.


How to Cite

Zorita Arroyo, Diego. 2022. “The Impossible Place: José Luis Castillejo’s ‘escritura No escrita’”. AusArt 10 (1).
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