The challenge of sound conservation Musical notation and recordings



Published 2022-12-02
Igor Saenz Abarzuza


Before the invention and development of sound recording technologies, musical notation was the only way to assure the durability of a musical composition. Nowadays, both means of music conservation coexist efficiently, and both are used in ethnomusicology research. This article presents a study and a reflection on musical notation and sound recording, looking back from our Post-digital Era in a critical way. In the Basque Country, traditional songs have barely left a footprint in the song compilations known as kantutegiak, therefore it is necessary to meticulously study the music compiled by 19th and 20th Century folklorists, with manifested different goals than the scientific canons of current ethnomusicology.

How to Cite

Saenz Abarzuza, Igor. 2022. “The Challenge of Sound Conservation: Musical Notation and Recordings”. AusArt 10 (2).
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