Combing reality against the grain Painting as a map and reflection of an epoch



Published 2022-12-02
Alba Cortés-García
Carmen Andreu-Lara


At present, we can understand maps as a result of multiple information layers about places. Today, the new media are capable of dimensioning, registering and locating practically every piece of ground of our planet. However, the need to map emotional territories about our subjective experiences in the landscape is motivating the creation of new cartographic proposals though art. Walter Benjamin pointed out that art is capable of “combing history against the grain”. In our historical context, characterized by the use of topographic measurement and identification tools, it becomes essential to allow discontinuous things to appear and claiming transversal tools with which to understand our world, question it, complement it and even escape from it.

How to Cite

Cortés-García, Alba, and Carmen Andreu-Lara. 2022. “Combing Reality Against the Grain: Painting As a Map and Reflection of an Epoch”. AusArt 10 (2).
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