The ultimate matrix From technical hybridization to public intervention



Published 2023-04-27
Daniel Tomás Marquina
Jonay Nicolás Cogollos Van der Linden


This article focuses on the development of methodologies that enables the creation of graphic traces on metallic matrices through the hybridisation of technical processes and registration procedures, which allows us to visibilize the graphic possibilities that matrices have in the creation of utilitarian pieces and in the creation of proposals associated with public art. With this aim, we place the work above authorship, and delimit this conceptual field to promote a review, critique and analysis of the social context that surrounds us. We intend to show a new method of confronting the way we perceive the aesthetic experience, giving value to a work process that allows us to get to know ways of doing and experimenting that were previously unknown.

How to Cite

Tomás Marquina, Daniel, and Jonay Nicolás Cogollos Van der Linden. 2023. “The Ultimate Matrix: From Technical Hybridization to Public Intervention”. AusArt 11 (1).
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