‘Nuevo monumentalismo’ by Kepa Garraza Introduction to his work and interview



Published 2023-04-27
Ander Gómez Miranda


Through this text we propose a brief introduction to the work of the Basque artist Kepa Garraza (1979), who is about to complete two decades of consolidated career. To do this, we present a reflection on three main ideas that in our opinion can define and help to understand his production. In the same way, we have interviewed the artist to ask him about the project in which he is currently working, called ‘New monumentalism’, and that in its execution combines digital modeling software in three dimensions with the use of traditional oil painting and the creation of sculptures.

How to Cite

Gómez Miranda, Ander. 2023. “‘Nuevo monumentalismo’ by Kepa Garraza: Introduction to His Work and Interview”. AusArt 11 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.24221.
Abstract 200 | PDF (Español) Downloads 517




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