Fragile contexts Notes on the precariousness of the plastic artist
Covid-19 made clear the importance of culture as a cohesive agent of the social fabric; it also revealed the instability of a sector in which its productions originate from labile working conditions and immersed in legitimized contexts. The objective of the study is to point out the fragility of the group that is part of the field of visual arts and that transits in a habitat impregnated with structural deficiencies, preponderating those in which gender and poverty are consubstantial. Providing projects and figures that corroborate the obsolescence of the meager economic and cultural patterns in which the creator tries to subsist and exposing how, from the educational environment, a hegemonic story about an outdated artist model continues to be perpetuated. To finally confirm the need for the artistic producer as a builder of a new political subjectivity that encourages an ecosystem that gives rise to alternative praxis of resistance and solidarity.
How to Cite
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