Art and nature centers in Spain Consciousness pedagogy



Published 2023-10-26
Sergi Quiñonero Ortuño


In the last thirty years in Spain we have witnessed an ostensible proliferation of centers, but also of projects, of art and nature. With this article we want to get closer to its context, history, pedagogical lines and current reality. Through a survey of a qualitative sample of some of the spaces that are currently operating, we have inquired into the following aspects: the educational activities they carry out, the sources of inspiration or conceptual referents, the way in which they incorporate nature in its educational proposals and the repercussion that this has on ecological awareness and, finally, some specific details on its financing and visibility. The contribution that these spaces and projects make to the cultural fabric, taking into account that all of them are far from the centers of artistic production located in large cities, is another of the aspects that we have addressed in this research.

How to Cite

Quiñonero Ortuño, Sergi. 2023. “Art and Nature Centers in Spain: Consciousness Pedagogy”. AusArt 11 (2).
Abstract 444 | PDF (Español) Downloads 355




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