A time for care Ecofeminist artistic practices and collective learning in the project 'Agroversitat'



Published 2023-10-26
Chiara Sgaramella Estela López de Frutos


This article presents some insights regarding current artistic and cultural practices based on the analysis of the transdisciplinary project Agroversitat. In a socio-economic context characterized by hyperproduction and consumption, this research explores art's potential to experiment with more ecological and socially committed methods based on an ecofeminist perspective. Agroversitat is a proposal that focuses on the defense of the Valencian Horta not only as an agricultural space of great environmental value, but also as a place of cultural production and creativity. Adopting a process-based approach, the project promotes collective dialogue, co-creation, and knowledge dissemination. Through close collaboration with several local agents, the initiative seeks to root artistic practice in the territory and generate long-term cooperation networks.

How to Cite

Sgaramella, Chiara, and Estela López de Frutos. 2023. “A Time for Care: Ecofeminist Artistic Practices and Collective Learning in the Project ’Agroversitat’”. AusArt 11 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.25070.
Abstract 212 | PDF (Español) Downloads 345




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