How to look at a dream? The dream as a statement (in the video image)



Published 2024-01-31
Maria Muriedas Díez


This text is rooted in the experience of doing, taking as a starting point a project I've been developing for a few months now, focused on translating a series of dreams into video images. While proposing translations of dreams into text as scores or performative protocols, it becomes evident, in an attempt to steer clear of symbolism and hidden meanings, that it is impossible to faithfully transfer/register what was dreamt, both in words and in moving images. In this double impossibility, through the process of materializing these statements into video, using recording devices and staging, the oneiric collides with the contingent producing narratives that can transport us to everyday events that resonate with our experiences or personal concerns. This collision methodology allows an investigation of theoretical and practical analysis, delving into concepts such as the real and the fictional, visibility and invisibility, the image and its representation, as well as open or unconnected narratives, and the role they play in contemporary video exhibition forms.

How to Cite

Muriedas Díez, Maria. 2024. “How to Look at a Dream? The Dream As a Statement (in the Video Image)”. AusArt 12 (1).
Abstract 97 | PDF (Español) Downloads 237




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