The vegetable garden as a space of productive, cultural and family resilience The vegetable garden diary as a scientific-artistic model
This contribution shows the experiences carried out in a family vegetable garden between a grandfather and his grandson, in Antequera (Málaga), collected in the ‘vegetable garden diary’, a graphic and textual record of the processes carried out that will serve as a source of artistic inspiration. The objective is to make known through art both knowledge and crops in danger of extinction linked to food production. To do this, new forms of domestic food production are contrasted with other pre-industrial ones. The assiduousness in the vegetable garden, the care of the family chicken coop and the bibliographic consultation not only allowed the relationship between grandfather and grandson to be strengthened and enriched, but also inspired a series of artistic collections. One of them is the illustration of native crops from Perugia (Italy) that, despite the distance from the family vegetable garden, allows us to build an international story through ethnography and bibliography, since the loss of vegetable gardening culture and biodiversity is common, throughout the developed world due to agricultural industrialization. From the research and results, the need to strengthen intergenerational personal relationships is extracted in order to avoid the extinction of cultures associated with production, including native crop varieties. Furthermore, the resulting artistic creation presents the vegetable garden as the driving force of these works, which contain conceptions of the world where death is not a taboo and where the human being is another legitimate member of nature.
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