Ecology in contemporary art Towards arts education for sustainable development



Published 2024-07-08
Estibaliz Gutiérrez Ajamil Ander Gómez Miranda


For several decades, culture, artistic creation and education have fed each other to give rise to what today we could call ‘Artistic Education for Sustainable Development’ (AESD), which is currently framed within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. From that paradigm, this paper aims to reflect on the legacy that contemporary art provides to the AESD, specifically when addressing the twelfth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. For this purpose, we review a small selection of artists or collectives that focus their productions around problems related to the environment, responsible consumption, or pollution, among others. The review of these contemporary works of art helps us exemplify some of the goals of SDG 12, while nourishing the AESD with conceptual references that help students develop a critical vision towards the main ecological problems of our local and global context.

How to Cite

Gutiérrez Ajamil, Estibaliz, and Ander Gómez Miranda. 2024. “Ecology in Contemporary Art: Towards Arts Education for Sustainable Development”. AusArt 12 (2):249-59.
Abstract 50 | PDF (Español) Downloads 40




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