Identity and hegemony: Times Square and the amateur production



Published 2016-07-12
José Luis Ortega Lisbona


If we think about the relationship of contemporary urban space and light, we must talk about social dynamics within contemporary cities and how these represent a paradigm of technological and social transformation with respect to the media in the urban space. This has culminated in the conversion of LCD technology screens into part on the environment in which we operate through social networks. On the other hand the place is diluted into virtual images, dislocated and decontextualized, turning the city into a communicative interface, and the visual in a spatial experience. That's why it's especially interesting to analyze this phenomenon in which elements come into play affecting the constituent frames of our social experience and identity in a variable and contingent space, through which it is producing a shift of uses within public sphere, creating new forms of entertainment that produce new surveillance policies of the other.

How to Cite

Ortega Lisbona, José Luis. 2016. “Identity and Hegemony: Times Square and the Amateur Production”. AusArt 4 (1).
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