Doña Piedad and her school for girls. Talavera la Real (Badajoz) Two sisters immortalized in a school picture



Published 15-06-2014
Valeriano Durán Manso


Doña Piedad and her school for girls. Talavera la Real (Badajoz). Two sisters immortalized in a school picture.

How to Cite

Durán Manso, V. (2014). Doña Piedad and her school for girls. Talavera la Real (Badajoz) Two sisters immortalized in a school picture. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (11), 202–206. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 19 | Cabas1113 (Español) Downloads 6



School for girls, Doña Piedad, Talavera la Real, Badajos

Photos with history