Energy retrofit of buildings located in Basque Autonomous Community: retrofit techniques and sustainability aspects in decision-making



Published 04-02-2022
Ziortza Egiluz Jesús Cuadrado Eduardo Rojí Ugaitz Gaztelu


Energy consumption in buildings has increased in recent years. And that is why it has become necessary to establish regulations regarding the energy efficiency of buildings to control consumption, improve energy savings and energy efficiency. But the large volume of old and energy-poor buildings in Basque Autonomous Community makes it necessary to intervene in these, retrofitting them in the short or medium term.

There are a great variety of constructive solutions to retrofit buildings energetically, which makes it difficult to choose the most suitable solution. Therefore, to help decision-making, the use of sustainability criteria is proposed. In this way, it is proposed to evaluate rehabilitation techniques from an economic, environmental and social point of view.

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