Papeles del CEIC 2019-1. March
This monographic issue about Agencies from vulnerability is coordinated by María Martínez. The "Fundamental" section contains a paper by Saba Mahmood; the following section includes contributions from Paola Rebughini, Jane Freedman, Itziar Gandarias, María Santacruz Giralt, Ariana S. Cota, Aurora Álvarez Veinguer with Luca Sebastiani, and Carolina Meloni. In the "Research Articles" section, there is a paper by Roberto Gil Hernández. The issue closes with reviews of publications associated with the theme of this monographic issue
Published: 20-03-2019
A (brief and not extremely systematic) approach to the notion of agency from vulnerability
Abstract 1665 | texto (Español) Downloads 787 | DOI
Page presentación
Feminist Theory, Embodiment, and the Docile Agent: Some Reflections on the Egyptian Islamic Revival
Abstract 4212 | texto (Español) Downloads 1885 | DOI
Page papel 202
Single Topic Issues
A vulnerable generation? Youth agency facing work precariousness
Abstract 1014 | texto Downloads 490 | DOI
Page papel 203
The uses and abuses of "vulnerability" in EU asylum and refugee protection: Protecting women or reducing autonomy?
Abstract 2220 | texto Downloads 1015 | DOI
Page papel 204
Resistance from vulnerability: Narratives of sub-Saharan women about their transit to Europe
Abstract 2359 | texto (Español) Downloads 990 | DOI
Page papel 205
Women in Salvadoran Gangs and the paradoxes of a precarious agency
Abstract 1695 | texto (Español) Downloads 568 | DOI
Page papel 206
Processes of agencement together with Stop Repression Granada and vulnerable autoethnography exercise
Abstract 1038 | texto (Español) Downloads 432 | DOI
Page papel 207
A decade of struggles against evictions. From the shame and loneliness to daily agencements
Abstract 1200 | texto (Español) Downloads 442 | DOI
Page papel 208
Insubordinate corpses. Towards siege and hospitality ethics
Abstract 872 | texto (Español) Downloads 441 | DOI
Page papel 209
Research Articles
Spain, Ghostly Nation. Fullnes and Absence in the Postmodern Spanish Identity
Abstract 757 | texto (Español) Downloads 366 | DOI
Page papel 210
Critical papers
Serrano Pascual, Amparo y Jepsen, María (eds.) (2019). The Deconstruction of Employment as a Political Question. "Employment" as a Floating Signifier. Nueva York: Palgrave Macmillan
Abstract 348 | texto (Español) Downloads 269 | DOI
Page papel crítico 56
Adams, Carol J. (2016). La política sexual de la carne. Una teoría crítica feminista vegetariana. Madrid: Ochodoscuatro Ediciones
Abstract 911 | texto (Español) Downloads 769 | DOI
Page papel crítico 57
Jo Sol (2016). Vivir y otras ficciones. Documental
Abstract 290 | texto (Español) Downloads 326 | DOI
Page papel crítico 58
Pawlikowski, Pawel (2013). Ida. Película
Abstract 263 | texto (Español) Downloads 373 | DOI
Page papel crítico 59
Spielberg, Steven (2018). The post. Película
Abstract 291 | texto (Español) Downloads 495 | DOI
Page papel crítico 60